Press Release

DigitalEjis Limited launches world’s first software that can accurately predict gambling addiction.

15th November 2023 – DigitalEjis is an innovative research and development company that was established to develop a solution aimed at addressing the significant problem of addiction across digital industries, starting with gambling and gaming. Based on years of fundamental scientific research by world renown institutions, and enhanced by tools such as machine learning and AI, the result is the world’s first software that can accurately predict the possibility of a person, who may never have gambled before, developing a pathological gambling addiction before they place a single bet ! Thanks to the power of the discoveries made by DigitalEjis in the field of addiction, a prediction accuracy of 85% is achievable.
DigitalEjis’ software is also able to monitor betting behaviour, enabling operators to prevent deterioration in the mental health of their players and, in the rare case of addiction taking hold, provide digitally delivered, professional intervention to directly help players who are in trouble.
DigitalEjis’ mission is to support both operators and regulators to create a safe, fun and entertaining gaming environment for anyone approaching the world of gaming by enabling operators to understand their players better and so adapt their betting experiences to protect the most sensitive groups without compromising anyone’s fun.
DigitalEjis’ predictive system is unique: other existing software merely identifies addiction when compulsive gambling behavior is already underway and therefore it may be too late to intervene.
Ian McLoughlin, CEO of DigitalEjis, said: “The betting brands I have launched in the past have delivered unprecedented growth through focusing on providing an entertaining experience in a safe, regulated environment. We at DigitalEjis, feel the ethical need to give operators instruments to do even more to protect their players right from their first encounter with gaming. This is why, with the help of our scientists and partners, we have developed a product which is a big step forwards in player protection”.


The DigitalEjis wider team includes over 15 experts belonging to the most famous psychology and neuroscience institutions who have worked for years on the topics around addiction and in the past 12 months have collaborated exclusively with Ian and the team to advance the scientific understanding of addiction and productize this new understanding.
Lead Scientist Dr. Aleksandar Matic commented on the predictive software: “This tool is a game-changer in addiction science, merging advanced algorithms, data, and insights from computational neuroscience and psychology. This is the only way currently available of accurately predicting gambling addiction at the individual level before a single bet is placed, which enables proactive measures for a healthier society.”
Angela Gemma, General Counsel of DigitalEjis, comments that: “The issue of player protection is very sensitive both in the Italian and international markets. Italian politics has made this clear and ADM (the Italian regulatory and supervisory authority in the sector of gambling) has always been at the forefront in encouraging the adoption of protection systems such as the setting of preventative gaming limits by players or self-exclusion from all platforms. The aim of DigitalEjis is to provide the tool that was missing, addiction protection, which, thanks to fundamental scientific discoveries, augmented by artificial intelligence, allows prediction and hence prevention rather than just diagnosis”.
Francesco Gaziano, CMO and Business Development lead at DigitalEjis, concluded: “Market response to our proposals since the beginning of the football season has exceeded our wildest expectations. Shortly we will announce important national and international partnerships with gambling companies that want to be leaders and not followers in the topic of player protection from the first moments of customer interaction. One of the achievements we are most proud of is that the player’s assessment takes place without interfering with the registration process of the operator and that integration efforts to include our prediction software require zero work on behalf of operators so as not to disturb crucial aspects of their business “.