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News about fines issued to gambling operators who failed to protect and monitor their customers and gambling addiction innovation solutions.

Press Release

DigitalEjis and E2 Communication Join Forces to Champion Responsible Gaming

Rome, 03 June 2024 – DigitalEjis, the creators of the only software able to accurately predict the onset of gambling addiction before a single bet is placed, and E2 Communication, a leading marketing and communication firm specializing in sports and the sports betting industry, are joining forces to help bettors identify operators that prioritize player-safety and responsible gaming activities.

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The benefits of preventing gambling addiction: DigitalEjis’ vision.

19/12/2023 Not only does DigitalEjis’ prediction afford players enormous protection, it is also of massive benefit to operators from an ethical and economic point of view.
DigitalEjis’ breakthrough in predicting predisposition to gambling addiction before a single bet is placed affords operators large economic benefit from: increased customer numbers through an improved reputation enabling them to reach customer groups who may never have considered to gamble before through fear of addiction; a more loyal clientele leading to longer customer life-time value; and a reduced risks of fine from regulators.

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Placing the Odds on Safer Gambling: A Revolutionary Approach to Providing Safer Gambling Environments

In the digital age, where online gambling has become increasingly popular, the question of safety and responsible gambling has never been more pertinent. Despite numerous attempts to address the issue, the ever-escalating statistics on global gambling problems remain alarming. In this article, we present the groundbreaking approach developed exclusively with DigitalEjis, aiming to enable a safer environment for gamblers worldwide.

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