External Article

Albania opens to online betting companies who protect the players

Albania’s parliament has voted to overturn a ban on online sports betting that was introduced in 2018.

However, the newly revised law stipulates that only ten companies will be granted licenses for online sports betting, with no provisions for operators to move into retail sports betting. Selection for these licenses will be overseen by a specially established “Commission of Licenses,” with stringent criteria for eligibility.

The specifics of the law states that

“online sports bets are bets placed on dedicated, authorized, and monitorable websites, applications, or electronic platforms of licensed entities”

The law excludes track races while also mandates the Licensing Commission to develop player protection programs, subject to approval by ministers.

Despite opposition protests during the tense parliamentary session, the newly revised law garnered enough votes for passage. Rigels Xhemollari of Tirana-based Qendresa Qytetare stated that the resumption of online sports betting will have detrimental effects on society and pointed out that it was these societal impacts that were originally condemned by Prime Minister Edi Rama in 2015.